Show What You Know!

Yasmin blew us away yesterday, when she used an open number line to solve the following problem:

452 = n + 323

Her strategy was awesome and she was able to show and explain her work! Good mathematicians can always defend where they got their answer!

Show your work!Nancy, Francisco, and Alaina did a great job showing their work on the following word problems. I like how they used numbers and words to explain their thinking! Can you aspire to make your work like theirs? What strategies can you borrow from these learners?

Show your work 2

show your work 3

Show your work Alaina

The 3 A’s Game!

Today we played a new game to help us think deeper about our math strategies. We worked on our 3 A’s:


To play this game we looked at a math problem that had already been solved. We picked one thing that we agreed with. For example, “Oh, this student used the correct numbers.” or “I can see that they chose the right operation because this is a multiplication problem!”

Next, we had to find something to argue with like, “I would have drawn out based ten blocks instead of using the algorithm,” or “They chose the correct numbers but the wrong operation, they should have divided.”

Finally, we chose something that student did that we could aspire to! For example, “I like how they drew pictures to visualize their math,” or “I like how they wrote their answer out in words so that they could check if they really answered what the questions was asking.”

We are going to continue using the 3 A’s strategy to learn from our peers and aspire to their greatness!

Another Snow Day!

Hello Antwan, Nancy, Shannallie, Karmyn, Yasmin, and Ixell!

I had a feeling you’d be visiting the blog today when you took a break from playing in the snow (please remember to where hats and mittens!) Did anyone else visit today who I didn’t list? Let me know by leaving a comment!

Here are some word problems to keep your brain working on this very cold, winter day!

1. Antwan ran 444 yards in his first game playing football for Florida State. In his next game, Antwan, threw for 156 yards. How many yards total did Antwan move the football down the field?

2. Yasmin has 6 packs of crayons and each pack has 8 crayons. The crayons in each pack are red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, and black. If Yasmin gives Karmyn one pack of crayons, how many total crayons will Yasmin have left?

3. Shannallie, Nancy, and Ixell ran 3 miles each day last week. If next week they plan to run 5 miles each day, how many miles will they each run after both weeks?

Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll come up with more questions just for you!

Here are some of my snowy day pictures from yesterday!


Second graders make it back to class through the Tuesday snow!


Wow! Our playground is covered in snow!


Pablo enjoys his first walk in the snow!


“Hey!  I caught a snowflake on my nose!” – Pablo Cinco Felter


Pablo was very sleepy after playing in the snow!

Weekend Math Challenge!

In the mood to get ahead of the whole class? Watch this video to learn how to solve two step problems by using parenthesis. (What are parenthesis? They are the pink marks around these two sentences!) Leave a formal comment if you try the video.

Formal comment reminders:
Dear Class,
Leave your message with capital letters and periods.
Use a closing,
Include your first name!

Solve a Word Problem by Visualizing!

We have been successfully tackling two step word problems with week using the CUBES strategy! Today, we want to think about visualizing the problem by drawing pictures like Francisco did yesterday with this problem:
Most apples contain 5 seed packets called carpels. Each carpel contains 2 apple seeds. How many seeds would be in 10 apples.
Francisco drew out one apple with five carpels in it. Then he put two seeds in each carpel. He skip counted by twos and determined there are 10 seeds in each apple. Next, he reread the problem and realized he needed to multiply 10 x 10 to get the number of apple seeds. His answer was: There are 100 apple seeds in 10 apples.
This lesson explains what Francisco did yesterday!

A Word Problem about Life!

“It’s my turn!”

“I want to be the writer!”

We do plenty of collaborating, or working together to share ideas, in room B11. We have reading partners and math huddles, and we are constantly working in different groups for math centers and inquiry projects. It’s not always easy to work in groups, but when you do it well, your ideas can build on each others and grow!  

Division Experts!

Today, we worked on determining whether a word problem is asking us to multiply or divide. We decided that if the problem starts with a bigger number and asks you to split it with a smaller number, then it’s time to divide!

We did an excellent job on our math talk problem:

I have 32 cookies and 4 friends. If each of my friends are super hungry, how many cookies will they get?

Look at all of our amazing strategies!

The only thing we need to work on is making bigger smiles!