Fractions- Picture it in your Head!

My small math group worked on some great fraction cards this afternoon. We realized it really helps if you make a mental movie of the fraction and think about the numerator and denominator. For your visual, if the word problem doesn’t give you anything specific to picture, just use your favorite food: Pizza, chocolate bars, pies?Fraction Fun by The Busy Class 4 fraction fun by The Busy Class Fraction fun by The Busy Class 2 Fraction Fun by The Busy Class 3I love getting to hide behind my iPad with the answer key! Thank you to The Busy Class for the wonderful fraction cards from your Fraction Fun Pack!

Fraction Long Jump!

“What’s all that noise?!” Mrs. Paul’s class wondered. It was the sound of 17 long jumpers comparing fractions. We started at zero on our number line and tried to see who could jump the most whole numbers. Alaina jumped the farthest for the girls, 2 whole spaces and 3/4 of the next space. Antwan jumped the farthest for the boys, 3 whole spaces and 1/8 of the next space! Most of us were able to jump over two whole spaces (and those of us who couldn’t did not have jumping shoes on today!) We are going to use our data to create a  line plot graph. How should we organize the scale for our graph?

fraction jumps 5 fraction jumps! Fraction jumps 2

We will talk deeper about equivalent fractions tomorrow. Here is a quick video reminder of what we have discussed:

Exploring Fractions


We have been exploring fractions for the past 15 days (wow, that’s half of a month!) I think our favorite fraction activities involve chocolate bars! There’s no better way to explore twelves than with a delicious Hershey bar!

Today, we played a game that asked us to put fractions in order from smallest to biggest. Thinking about those candy bar pieces really helped us out! You can find this fraction game here!

fractions 5 fractions 1 fractions 2 fractions 3fractions 4



No not Fractions!

When Mrs. Felter was just a little Jessie, she hated fractions, but her mom never let her say “hate”, so she just disliked fractions thoroughly! She hated fractions because she just didn’t get them. Now that she is all grown up she realizes that fractions are actually really simple! The most important part of understanding fractions is figuring out how a whole can be split into many equal parts! Check out these fraction games to help you figure out the mystery of fractions without having to “dislike them thoroughly!”

Help the Turkeys escape Thanksgiving and make pies! 

Shoot the fractions as they fly by! Mrs. F likes the slow version.

Play with pizzas and more! 

Perimeter vs. Area

Area and Perimeter games!

This site explains area and perimeter if you need more information:

Build an airline:

Find the area and perimeter of shapes:

Need more help? Try this interactive game:

Design a Party:

Another Snow Day!

Hello Antwan, Nancy, Shannallie, Karmyn, Yasmin, and Ixell!

I had a feeling you’d be visiting the blog today when you took a break from playing in the snow (please remember to where hats and mittens!) Did anyone else visit today who I didn’t list? Let me know by leaving a comment!

Here are some word problems to keep your brain working on this very cold, winter day!

1. Antwan ran 444 yards in his first game playing football for Florida State. In his next game, Antwan, threw for 156 yards. How many yards total did Antwan move the football down the field?

2. Yasmin has 6 packs of crayons and each pack has 8 crayons. The crayons in each pack are red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, and black. If Yasmin gives Karmyn one pack of crayons, how many total crayons will Yasmin have left?

3. Shannallie, Nancy, and Ixell ran 3 miles each day last week. If next week they plan to run 5 miles each day, how many miles will they each run after both weeks?

Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll come up with more questions just for you!

Here are some of my snowy day pictures from yesterday!


Second graders make it back to class through the Tuesday snow!


Wow! Our playground is covered in snow!


Pablo enjoys his first walk in the snow!


“Hey!  I caught a snowflake on my nose!” – Pablo Cinco Felter


Pablo was very sleepy after playing in the snow!

Decomposing a Kilogram

On Monday, we sat down and took a kilogram apart. A kilogram is a unit that is used to measure weight. Often grocery store items are measured in kilograms. We learned that:

1 kg = 1 kilogram!

By decomposing a kilogram we discovered that:

1 kilogram = 1,000 grams or

1 kg = 1 g!

We also determined that 100 grams could go into a kilogram 10 times and 10 grams could go into 100 grams 10 times! Check out these mathematicians at work!

kiogram2 kilogram kilogram3 kilogram4 kilogram5

Thank you EngageNy.Org for the wonderful lesson idea!

Measuring Matter

As we continue our study of matter (the gases, liquids, and solids that are all around us) we wanted to get our hands on some matter and check it out. We picked objects in our room made of matter and observed their properties. We took notes on our object’s shape, size, flexibility, luster, texture, and weight. We were able to use our tape measures and balances to observe matter as well! Check out the hard working scientist below!

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4


Elapsed Time on a Number Line!

Elapsed time means how much time has pasted between two more more events. We think about elapsed time everyday: We start class at 8:45 A.M. We spend 15 minutes on our read aloud, an hour on Readers’ Workshop, and then 90 minutes on Math Block. After we finish all of those activities we head outside for recess. What time do we go to recess? Learning how to use a number line can make working with elapsed time easier! Try our number line strategy from today to solve these elapsed time problems

Do it Your Way!

With math problems, it doesn’t matter how you get your answer! What matters is that you use a strategy that is comfortable for you, and that your answer makes sense! We recently worked on a word problem from Mr. Naussbaum’s Math Site.

Here was the problem we solved: Eduardo ordered four large pizzas and three medium pizzas from Tony Fraction’s Pizza Shop. A large pizza has two more slices than a medium. A medium pizza has eight slices. How many total slices did Eduardo order?

Check out all the different ways we got the answer below!