Civil Rights: The Greensboro Sit Ins and Perseverance!

“Do not give up!” is a phrase we hear Mrs. Felter say all the time. Things are going to be hard sometimes, we all know this is true. We have to decide what we are going to do when things get tough. Are we going to say, “This is too hard, I quit!” Or are we going to say, “This is hard but I can do it!” Imagine if the four men who started the Greensboro, North Carolina Sit Ins had said “This is too hard I quit!”


Civil Rights: The Greensboro Sit-Ins

An amazing thing happened in our state of North Carolina in the decade of the 1960s- people stood up for what they believed in! Actually, they sat down. Like we have studied this week, the schools in the Southern states were segregated. But other places like restaurants and buses were segregated as well.

Many people wanted this separation to end. In Greensboro, North Carolina some citizens found a creative way to protest segregation.

Watch this video below to learn how the people of Greensboro, North Carolina fought back against segregation. What did they do to show they didn’t want to live with segregation any more? Do you think their actions were effective?