Another Snow Day!

Hello Antwan, Nancy, Shannallie, Karmyn, Yasmin, and Ixell!

I had a feeling you’d be visiting the blog today when you took a break from playing in the snow (please remember to where hats and mittens!) Did anyone else visit today who I didn’t list? Let me know by leaving a comment!

Here are some word problems to keep your brain working on this very cold, winter day!

1. Antwan ran 444 yards in his first game playing football for Florida State. In his next game, Antwan, threw for 156 yards. How many yards total did Antwan move the football down the field?

2. Yasmin has 6 packs of crayons and each pack has 8 crayons. The crayons in each pack are red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, and black. If Yasmin gives Karmyn one pack of crayons, how many total crayons will Yasmin have left?

3. Shannallie, Nancy, and Ixell ran 3 miles each day last week. If next week they plan to run 5 miles each day, how many miles will they each run after both weeks?

Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll come up with more questions just for you!

Here are some of my snowy day pictures from yesterday!


Second graders make it back to class through the Tuesday snow!


Wow! Our playground is covered in snow!


Pablo enjoys his first walk in the snow!


“Hey!  I caught a snowflake on my nose!” – Pablo Cinco Felter


Pablo was very sleepy after playing in the snow!

Snow Days

This week one of our favorite books, Snow Day by Lester Laminack, came to life in our city! We have had two days off to play in the snow and enjoy the chilly weather. I’m excited to see you all back at school tomorrow!


Icicles hang from a teacher’s car.


The outside hallways were filled with snow!


All the snow is melting on the playground!


Snow remains in all the shadows because the sun has not melted it yet!


The front entrance of our school was covered in snow!


A church in the Southend of Charlotte was covered in snow!


Each swing was covered in snow!


Look how deep the snow was! It covered Mrs. Felter’s boots!


Even puppies left tracks in the snow.


The light rail tracks leading to Uptown were under snow!