Young Entrepreneurs here in Charlotte!

Hornets Nest Elementary, has three young entrepreneurs who are making a big difference at their school! Aiden, Joel and Logan have planted a “Helping Fields” garden, where students can pick fresh vegetables to eat over the weekend.  They have entered their helpful idea in a contest held buy United States entrepreneur Warren Buffet. These eight and nine year olds have made it to the final three in the contest! Cast your votes for these smart kids before midnight to help them win the grand prize!

VOTE HERE:  and vote for Choice #1, Helping Fields


Click here to see the boys on the news! 

What to read next?

Today, we finished our amazing read aloud The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane! We loved it! We were so happy with the ending! Thank you Kate DiCamillo for sharing your wonderful writing with us.

We decided we’d like to read some more of Ms. DiCamillo’s work. We are going to vote between The Tiger Rising and The Tale of Despereaux. Check out these fantastic, student made book trailers and then cast your votes soon!

The Tiger Rising

The Tale of Despereaux